Purchase a pass and save all year long!
Select two or more shows & take advantage of the following perks:
*15% off tickets when you buy all three shows simultaneously.
*15% guest discount to invite to a guest to one show with you.
*First drink 1/2 price
*Priority seat selection before they go on sale to the general public.
$105 for all three shows ($135 value).
*10% off tickets when you buy two dinner theatre shows simultaneously.
*10% guest discount to invite to a guest to one show with you.
*Priority seat selection before they go on sale to the general public.
$87 for two 3 course dinner theatre shows ($100 value)
Same show, same menu, same time. Tickets are $2 cheaper. No code is needed.
Large groups (20+) have a $2 food service gratuity included in their tickets.
Preferred seating.
To book your large group, please fill out this form or call 316.303.2037.
For a limited time, the first two weekends in November are last year's ticket price! No code is needed. This promo ends August 31st.